Field | Claim Type | Description | |
International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes that describe diagnoses. These codes are used for diagnostic, billing, and reporting purposes. The codes are categorized as
Diagnosis Codes |
Diagnosis codes for the claim. Each diagnosis code has a corresponding diagnosis pointer (with the exception of Institutional)—a single alpha character preceding its corresponding diagnosis code, for example, A: 480. Note: Diagnosis codes apply to the entire claim line. To associate a Diagnosis code to the Claim Line, enter a value (s) in the Diagnosis Pointer field to point to the Diagnosis code.
Prin Dx | Institutional only |
Principal Diagnosis code. The original diagnosis code. |
Admit Dx | Institutional only |
Admission diagnosis code. The diagnosis code when the patient was admitted. |
Line |
Claim line item identifier.
Rev Code | Institutional only |
HCPCS | Institutional only |
The Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) is a set of codes that standardize identification of medical services, supplies, and equipment.
From Dt | Professional and Institutional only | ||
Thru Dt | Professional and Institutional only |
End date of service. |
Proc Date | Dental only |
Date the procedure was performed—the From date of the service. |
PoS |
Place Of Service. Numeric code describing the location where service was rendered. The codes are defined by the plan administrators but also include basys defaults. Note: If you change a claim's ToS, you'll be asked if you want to apply the new ToS to all claim lines. Click
Yes to update or No to only change the selected claim line. |
ToS | A code identifying the type of service provided by the service provider. | ||
Tooth Number | Dental only |
Tooth Surface | Dental only |
Letter codes that identify tooth surfaces.
Proc | Dental and Professional only |
Procedure Code—A code that identifies a specific service performed by a service provider.
Dx Ptr | Dental and Professional only |
Diagnosis pointers for the claim line. Diagnosis pointers are a single alpha character preceding its corresponding diagnosis code, for example, Note: When a claim has only one diagnosis code, the Diagnosis Pointer field for all claim lines will default to A. If there is more than one diagnosis code, the Diagnosis Pointer field will default to blank. |
Modifiers | Professional and Institutional |
Procedure code modifiers—office or medical organization-defined codes that provide additional information concerning a particular service and can be used in the service price calculation. |
Qty |
Quantity. Dollar amount of the service or the number of times the service was provided. The default is 1. |
Billed Amt | |||
BCode |
The benefit code representing a benefit or service covered in the Summary Plan Description document (e.g. eye exam, emergency outpatient care or an office medical visit). See also BCode field behavior and messages. |
Svc Prov | Professional only |
Service Provider. ID and Name of the Service Provider.
Hint: If the full name doesn't display, point your mouse at the field to display the full name. |
Prepaid |
If there is a prepaid amount at the claim level (on the Detail viewport), it is automatically distributed to each claim line.
Allowed |
The allowed amount. The considered amount compared to the UCR The Usual, Customary, and Reasonable amounts allowed for a procedure. UCR compares the charge for a procedure to the amount other doctors have charged for the procedure. UCR data can be external data obtained from HIAA or MDR by geographic area, or can be compiled internally. The allowed determination can be based on a percentile; for example, the 85th percentile would cover the charges of 85% of the doctors who submitted bills. or fee schedule amount and the lesser of the two is the amount allowed for the line item. Columns display calculated amount for each:
Ineligible Code |
Code that explains why a claim or portion of a claim isn't eligible for payment. Reasons include duplicate charges, services not covered, and coverage not in effect. |
Ineligible Amount |
Claim or portion of a claim that isn't eligible for payment. The amount that isn't considered for payment. |
PPO Flag |
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO A group of providers who contract with employers, insurers or administrators to provide services to individuals for a negotiated amount.) Flag.
Comments made on the Procedure Code display below the PPO Flag label. |